chapters, start times, paintings by chapter

Chapter/start time/description/paintings in each chapter
Chapter 1 0:00 Ellen begins her story
Chapter 2 05:35 Inside the St. Louis Art Museum Exhibition
Chapter 3 10:15 The Susanna
Susanna and The Elders, 1610
Chapter 4 16:17 The Personal Qualities of Artemisia and Ellen's Journey to Italy
Chapter 5 21:13 The Aurora
Aurora, 1625 - 27
Chapter 6 26:06 A Walk Through Artemisia's Rome With Alexandra Lapierre
Note: correct on screen dates for Artemisia's travels should read:
Naples 1630 -1638
Venice 1626 - 1629?
Chapter 7 29:20 The Rape Trial, In The Archives, and Artemisia's Testimony
Chapter 8 40:07 After the Trial, Artemisia in Florence, and Making a Life as a Painter
Chapter 9 44:20 Casa Buonarroti and The Inclination
Allegory of Inclination 1615 - 16
Self-Portrait as a Female Martyr (attribution contested) 1615
Self-Portrait as a Lute Player, 1615 - 17
Conversion of the Magdalene, 1615 - 16
St. Catherine of Alexandria, 1618 - 19
Jael and Sisera, 1620
Judith and Her Maidservant, 1618 - 19
Chapter 10 51:59 Artemisia's Letters to her Patron and her Place in the World
Chapter 11 53:40 Inside A Private Collection and A Virago
Cleopatra 1627 -31
Chapter 12 57:00 The Judith Paintings
Judith Slaying Holofernes (Capodimonte) 1612
Judith And her Maidservant, 1618 -19
Judith Slaying Holofernes (Uffizi) 1620
Judith And Her Maidservant With The Head Of Holofernes, 1625
Chapter 13 1:07:40 Artemisia: Fame, Career and Attributions
Portrait of Artemisia by Simon Vouet, 1622
Portrait Medal
Engraving of Artemisia's Hands
Esther Before Ahaseurus, 1628 -35
Clio, Muse of History, 1632
Corisca and the Satyr, 1630 -35
Madonna and Child, 1609
Conversion of the Magdalene, 1615 -16
Penitent Magdalene, 1625 -26
Portrait of a Gonfaloniere, 1622
Portrait of a Lady in an Elegant Dress, 1620 -30
Venus Embracing Cupid, (attribution contested) 1640s
Annunciation, 1630
Cleopatra, 1611 -12
Chapter 14 1:12:03 Cleopatra and The Danae: Attributions - Orazio vs. Artemisia
Danae, Orazio Gentileschi, 1621 -23
Danae, 1612 ?
Chapter 15 1:16:50 Artemisia, Money and the Value of Work
Chapter 16 1:19:19 Every Painter Paints Himself, Artemisia's Legacy
Lucretia, 1623 -25
Chapter 17 1:23:12 The Self-Portrait - La Pittura
Self-Portrait as an Allegory of Painting, 1636 -39
Chapter 18 1:24:50 The Last Years of Artemisia, The Struggle to Survive and Finding a Voice